
8 Year Old Catches Record Rock Bass

In late May, 8-year old Jason Leusch caught a new New York State record Rock Bass on Lake Ontario according to the New York State DEC.

According to Wayne County NY Tourism, around 10:25 in the morning young Jason was fishing on a dock and pulling in plenty of Rock Bass. Upon hooking up to this one, Jason yelled to his parents that he had a “big one”. After a short fight, Jason pulled the bass up on the dock much to the amazement of his father. Knowing that the fish looked big, Jason’s father Mike weighed the fish, which was just slightly over 2 pounds.

After taking the fish to a local weigh station, they confirmed that the fish was 2 pounds. After completing the proper paperwork, they saved the fish and had the catch certified by the New York State DEC. Young Jason’s name now sits on the New York State Freshwater Fishing Records list!

The Hudson Valley area is known to contain waters with large Rock Bass, notably the Hudson River. Where have you caught your largest Rock Bass?

Last Updated on July 14, 2020 by Fish HV Contributors

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