Hudson River Bust: Over 350 Illegally Caught Fish Seized in Westchester
On July 18, while patrolling the shores of the Hudson River in Westchester County, ECO Tompkins encountered a suspicious scene at a popular kayaking launch near the mouth of the Annsville Creek. Two men were standing in a pavilion with two white five-gallon buckets and a large garbage bag, looking hurried. Officer Tompkins approached them cautiously to investigate.
As the officer neared, the two anglers briskly headed towards a waiting vehicle, driven by a third individual. Suspecting illegal activities, ECO Tompkins acted swiftly and stopped the group before they could flee. Conducting a compliance check, he made a shocking discovery – a vast assortment of illegally caught fish in their possession.
Over 360 In Possession in Westchester County on the Hudson River
The contents of the buckets and the garbage bag revealed the extent of their violations. A total of 301 pumpkinseed, 8 bluegill, 3 red breast sunfish, 39 white perch, 5 brown bullhead, 3 Atlantic silverside, a gizzard shad, a golden shiner, and a banded killifish were confiscated. These fish had been illegally captured using a cast net, a method prohibited in the area.
Officer Tompkins took these violations seriously as they directly endangered the Hudson River’s aquatic ecosystem. Consequently, the group was issued eight tickets for various offenses, including taking fish by means other than angling, possession of fish over the daily limit of sunfish, and fishing without a valid license.

ECO Tompkins ensured that justice would be served by issuing the tickets, holding the offenders accountable for their illegal fishing activities. The tickets are returnable to the Town of Cortlandt Court, where the individuals will have to face the penalties for their violations.
Last Updated on August 5, 2023 by Fish HV Contributors