
Record-Breaking Blue Crab Caught in New York State Waters

Did you hear the crabtastic news? New York State has a new blue crab record holder, and his name is Marc Zaluski from Water Mill, NY. The Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) recently recognized Marc for capturing the largest blue crab ever recorded in the state’s waters. This remarkable feat took place in Peconic Bay on May 25, 2024, marking a significant milestone in recreational crabbing.

Marc Zaluski’s record-breaking blue crab measured an impressive 8 3/16 inches from spine to spine. This measurement was meticulously verified by biologists from DEC’s Division of Marine Resources, ensuring its accuracy and confirming Marc’s place in New York State’s fishing history.

This achievement didn’t come easily. Recreational crabbing requires patience, skill, and a good understanding of crab behavior and habitat. Marc’s dedication to his craft and the thrill of the catch have rightfully earned him this prestigious recognition.

Breaking Blue Crab Records and Making Waves

The new record set by Marc Zaluski surpasses the previous benchmark, which stood at 7 3/16 inches and was set in 2023. Each year, anglers and crabbers across New York State vie to capture these coveted records, contributing to a vibrant community of fishing enthusiasts who celebrate both the sport and the conservation of marine resources.

A Word from DEC About Submitting Your Catch

The DEC encourages all anglers and recreational fishers to participate in documenting their remarkable catches. By submitting your record catch to DEC, you contribute to the documentation of New York State’s diverse aquatic life and help in monitoring the health of our marine environments.

For more information on how to submit your record catch to DEC, visit DEC’s marine recreational angler records page.

Crabbing in New York State

Crabbing is not just a pastime in New York; it’s a cherished tradition that connects people to the bountiful waters that surround us. Whether you’re a seasoned crabber or just starting out, exploring the techniques and regulations ensures a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

For information about crabbing regulations, locations, and more in New York State, visit DEC’s crabbing information page.

Blue Crab Delights

Blue crabs are not only thrilling to catch but also a delectable treat for seafood lovers. If you’re planning to indulge in your own blue crab feast, the DEC recommends following the New York State Department of Health’s guidelines. Their Blue Crab Cooking & Eating Guide ensures that you enjoy your catch safely and deliciously.

Celebrating Conservation and Recreation

Marc Zaluski’s record-setting blue crab is more than just a personal achievement; it’s a testament to the rich marine life found in New York State’s waters. As we celebrate this new record, let us also remember the importance of responsible fishing practices and environmental stewardship to preserve these resources for future generations.

Congratulations to Marc Zaluski on his remarkable achievement, and here’s to the continued enjoyment and conservation of New York State’s coastal treasures.

Last Updated on July 4, 2024 by Fish HV Contributors

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