
Free Fishing Day, November 11 2020

New York State hosts select days and weekends throughout the year as Free Fishing Days. These days are when you do not need a fishing license in New York to give fishing a try. While fishing regulation laws still apply, this is a great way to give fishing a try.

The next free fishing day is on Veterans Day, Wednesday November 11th, 2020. Especially during covid times, now is a great time to pickup a rod and head to the water. Maybe you haven’t been fishing before or maybe its been many years, maybe you’d like to take your spouse or best friend fishing for the first time.

Another, often not thought of concept, is maybe you have a friend that lives in another state that might not have a New York State fishing license. This is a great time to invite them to New York and give fishing a try here.

To find out more information on the New York State Free Fishing Days, check out this page from the NYS DEC.

Last Updated on November 23, 2020 by Fish HV Contributors

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