
Proposed NYS Black Bass Fishing Regulations

The NYS DEC has recently proposed changes to statewide regulations for Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass. These regulation changes will attempt to make the rules easier to understand by adopting a more uniform set of regulations across the board and through all waters in New York State.

Currently there are special regulations for select waters throughout NYS that vary from waterbody to waterbody. Some places have no size limit for black bass and others that have a minimum size limit of 10 inches which differs from the statewide regulation of 12 inches.

The new proposal would eliminate special regulations that reduce the size of black bass to 10″ or “anysize” and would require that all fish in any waterbody in NYS would have to meet the statewide 12″ requirement.

“DEC is continuing our efforts to eliminate special fishing regulations that do not serve a species management purpose,” said Commissioner Basil Seggos. “Today’s announcement encourages increased fishing participation by streamlining the State’s black bass fishing regulations and making them easier to follow without impacting fishing opportunity.”

The NYS DEC is accepting public comments on this proposal and anglers are encouraged to submit their comments via email to [email protected] or via mail to the Inland Fisheries Section, NYSDEC, 625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233-4753; subject line “Black Bass Regulations.” Comments will be accepted through Jan. 23, 2021.

To read the full press release by the NYS DEC on this subject, please CLICK HERE.

Last Updated on December 29, 2020 by Fish HV Contributors

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